Tattoo Aftercare

Dermal Bandage:

Dermal bandage can be left on for 3-5 days following your tattoo appointment. If your tattoo artist has instructed you to change the bandage on day two please follow their instructions.
Use clean hands when you take off your bandage. Wash tattoo immediately following the bandage removal, using flat hand and antibacterial soap. Make sure to wash tattoo really well, you should be removing all the oil and plasma off of the tattoo. Air dry tattoo or pat dry with clean paper towel.
Apply lotion as recommended by artist. Non scented, dye free lotion is best and rubbing lotion all the way in is important.
Repeat wash and lotion for two weeks.
Use only clean hands to wash and apply lotion on your tattoo.
Do not pick or scratch at your tattoo.

What to expect:

Fluid build up underneath bandage.
If bandage seal breaks or if your skin reacts badly to bandage then take off bandage early and wash tattoo.
Contact your artist if you have any questions. We are here to help!

Temporary Bandage:

Temporary bandage can be left on for 2 or 3 hours after your tattoo appointment.
Wash hands then take off bandage and immediately wash tattoo. When washing use antibacterial soap and make sure to get all of the oil and plasma off of tattoo. Use your flat hand and nothing abrasive to wash tattoo. Rinse all soap off of tattoo with clean water.
Air dry tattoo or pat dry with clean paper towel.
For the next two weeks keep washing tattoo according to your artists directions. Usually twice a day or so is great! If you workout please wash tattoo after working out.
After 48 hours apply lotion as recommended by artist. Non scented, dye free lotion is best and rubbing lotion in all the way is important.
Repeat wash, dry and lotion for two weeks. Use only clean hands.
Do not pick or scratch at your tattoo.

What to expect:

Tattoo will leak oil and plasma for the first 48 hours. Plasma will dry to make scab. If you wash the tattoo well in the first 48 hours it will thin the oil and plasma layer and make less of a scab.
Tattoo may be itchy during the scab phase, do not pick or scratch at it. Applying lotion to the tattoo will help with the itchy feeling. Do not apply too much lotion as it is important to keep tattoo dry.
Contact your artist if you have any questions. We are here to help!

General Information:

Do not soak healing tattoo in water. No hot tub. No pool. No river, lake or ocean while tattoo is healing. Do not over moisturize. Keep out of the sun while healing. Keep away from pets and children. Do not touch unless you are washing or applying lotion. No picking or scratching. Leave scabs to fall off on their own. Clean sheets and loose fitting clothes are helpful in having a successful heal. Contact your artist if you have any questions. We are here to help!

Call or text us 541-232-8909 if you cannot get ahold of your artist.